Let’s face it — it’s hard to read the news these days, which seems filled with so much negativity – terrorism, war, refugee crises, climate change, breakdown in our ecosystems, corruption – the list seems to go on and on. These are challenging times that we live in, and sometimes it feels hard to believe that humanity will find a way to work through these problems.
These same feelings were rampant in 1948 when AIESEC was founded, given the situation in Europe at that time. There were so many challenges and difficulties in the aftermath of world war — yet a group of youth leaders decided to come together to advance international understanding and cooperation. You know the story.
67 years later, there are over a million of us AIESECers around the globe in positions of leadership in all walks of life – in business, social enterprises, government, non-profits, NGOs, education and other fields. Every day we come across amazing examples of how AIESECers are making a positive difference in all aspects of society, and doing it in over 120 countries.
Our global leadership network holds tremendous potential to offer solutions to today’s challenges, which is why a dedicated group of volunteers have been working tirelessly on The AAI Transformation Project. In partnership with AIESEC, we are focused on peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential, by developing and activating leaders for a better world. Our Global AIESEC Leadership Initiative represents our collective effort to harness our AIESEC values and our unique experiences as global citizens to become a global force for positive change.
Come join us in this journey!
Andrew G. Rowe, President,
AIESEC Alumni International