AIESEC ALUMNI Germany General Assembly in Bonn/Cologne

At the beginning of last November, current PAAI Alexander Tichy was invited by AIESEC ALUMNI Germany (AAG) to chair their annual general assembly held in Bonn, Germany. After an exciting cultural pre-programme that included a visit to the famous former “Kanzler Bungalow,” the bungalow where the former chancellors of Germany were mostly living and welcoming […]

AAIC Cartagena – Registrations Now Open!

The doors are now open for registration for AAIC 2017—a cross-continental travel experience for many that brings together alumni from all ages and origins to connect, learn, and sometimes recount (or brag about) their AIESEC stories. AAIC, the largest international meet up for alumni worldwide, will be hosted in Cartagena, in July. This event will be an amazing […]

The AAIC 2016 Warsaw Output

The Output document from the conference is a detailed account of the design principles, the flow of the conference, the ideas and conclusions in each session and many pictures to catch a glimpse inside the event. It also includes the comments participants made about the conference and the feedback we received. Click here to view […]

Update from AAAP in Bangkok

Nearly 100 delegates attended the AAAPC 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand between October 7 and 9, from more than 16 Asia Pacific alumni entities and 4 non-Asia-Pacific entities participated.  2 new initiatives there introduced: AIESEC Got Talent and JUMP (Juniors Meetup Program).  AIESEC Got Talent aims to showcase the diverse and amazing talent within Asia Pacific […]

Global Meetups

We are bringing real product leadership to our Global Meetup program.  This program has the potential to bring hundreds of thousands of AIESECers together for customized cultural and business exchange to have IMPACT, in the following ways:   Simply meeting for coffee for cultural exchange A place to stay overnight when traveling A 1-day or […]