Two of the “Ten Steps” in the global alumni reform effort are core identity issues, namely, “Who are we?” (elevated branding that enhances our emotional appeal) and “Why are we here?” (an aspirational mission statement).
Though the reform proposal was approved in Hungary, some attendees voiced concerns about the mission statement and branding aspects. As a result, we agreed to seek more input from alumni and NAAs in order to “tweak” these aspects if need be.
We are very fortunate that Ken Phillips — former NCP from AIESEC-US, former International Advisory Councilor, and now a consultant in strategic management for NGOs — has volunteered to head up a team to do this, working within the framework and concepts approved by the AAIM and the AAI GA.
Ken invites you to post brief suggestions on the following topics to his separate project blog:
- How to tweak the mission statement and tagline proposals to make them most memorable and most appealing to most alumni now and in the future?
- How to tweak the rebranding proposal to make it most fitting, most memorable and most appealing to most alumni now and in the future?
- How to connect most effectively with the NAAs on this and work toward a unified global identity?
This working group will forward a brief set of conclusions to the EB by the end of April. Many thanks to all of you who wish to participate in this refinement of these identity proposals, and our sincere thanks also to Ken, of course, for leading the charge!