With this communication, we are opening the process for the 2015 nominations and elections for EB members.
Via electronic vote, the membership has strongly endorsed the EB’s proposed slate of NomCom members: Ken Phillips (US) as Chair, Oscar Ayala Arana (Colombia), Percy Espinoza (Peru), Rollie Gosiengfiao (Philippines), Aniko Magashazi (Hungary), Peter YB Tay (Singapore) and Mari Teneberg (Sweden) as members of the NomCom 2015.
The NomCom has posted the draft Plans and Procedures on the AAI Website at: https://aiesec-alumni.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/AAINomComDraftProcedures11.16.14.pdf.
As you will see, they incorporate the changes approved by the membership, i.e., to list all candidates who complete their submissions on time on the ballot and to recommend those candidates it deems are most highly qualified, will not recommend those candidates it deems are not sufficiently qualified, and, in what is expected to be rare occasion, will strongly recommend against any candidate it deems should not be elected.
The important dates for nominations and elections are:
· November 28 – the Call for Submissions and References is issued
· January 24 – the Closing Date for Submissions and References
· February 28 – the NomCom decides on Recommendations for Election
· April 11 – the 2015 AAI Elections for EB members held at the AAIC in Porto
As always, we welcome your comments and feedback. Please send it directly to Ken Phillips at [email protected].