Let’s Build Our Global Online Community


Dear friends and fellow alumni around the globe,

With AlumNet’s successful launch on February 14th, we have set our sights on aggressively building our global online community, with the goal of achieving 50,000 alumni registrations by the end of 2016. This “BHAG” may seem to be overly ambitious, but if you have any doubts, remember: we’re AIESECers!

Here’s how we can all work together to achieve this goal, as we work toward connecting hundreds of thousands of AIESECers online in the next few years:

If you’re the leader of a Local, National or Regional Alumni Association, take control of your Group and start bringing it to life with content. Here are some easy steps:

  • Begin by editing your Group’s home page with information on your entity. Upload a nice picture to the header of your Group.
  • Invite everyone in your alumni database to register on AlumNet, using the automated tools we’ve provided.
  • Load presentations and other materials to the Files section of your Group.
  • Start setting up Events and inviting alums to join them.
  • Build photo galleries of past events and programs that provide users with a visual treat.
  • Use AlumNet’s email functionality to start sending regular updates to your registrants.
  • Recruit an alum to act as Online Community Manager for your Group
  • At upcoming ALUMnites and other events, hold AlumNet demos and registration workshops.  Invite people to bring their laptops and help them register!

AlumNet is a great platform, and by taking these actions, you can bring your community to life. If you’re an individual alum, and would like to know how to get started, register by Clicking Here. Once you’ve completed the registration process, take some time to explore and subscribe to AlumNet’s Groups, find friends and send them Friend Requests, and familiarize yourself with our online programs. Next, use the Invite Friends function to send out invitations to alumni in your network and ask them to join.

AlumNet was built to bring our global community together and help us grow. It’s time for all of us to step up and bring it to life!

My very best regards,

Andrew G. Rowe, AAI President


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