Let’s unite to do a simple but very powerful thing to help unleash AIESEC’s global alumni potential.
Let’s list every leader in AIESEC’s history.
Every one of us. Everywhere.
AAI has recently developed The AIESEC Leaders List, a platform for assembling a complete and accurate list of former AIESEC leaders around the world as a step toward reconnecting with all former AIESECers.
It is, in effect, a continuation of AIESEC International’s myAIESEC.net database effort that maintained such information. Unfortunately, the profile input from alumni on myAIESEC.net, in particular earlier AIESEC generations, was insufficient, and access to this alumni database was eventually closed.
The AIESEC Leaders List is available solely to persons who have certified their status as an AIESEC alumnus or student member and who have agreed to abide by AAI’s privacy and non-disclosure conditions. Any person may request to have his or her name removed from the site by clicking on the link that is found at the bottom of every page.