Year after year, both AIESEC International and AIESEC Alumni International recognize the work of alumni around the world in their efforts to contribute to a world of peace and realization of humankind’s potential.
This distinction was formerly called International Senior Member and renamed Hall of Fame in the nineties, and it focuses on outstanding contributions to both AIESEC as an organization as well as the industry or field of work of the alumnus/alumna.
We are already working towards the celebration we will have in Cartagena this July, when we celebrate the Hall of Fame ceremony, as a joint session of AIESEC’s International Congress.
We will continue to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals defined by United Nations into the ceremony like we did in Warsaw in 2016, where the “Alumni from around the World” Awards were framed within the SDGs.
This year we will focus on those alumni who are leading organizations, projects or enterprises that are contributing to at least one of the SDGs. We will also form a panel with UN experts that will provide their opinion on those nominees that get selected.
Anyone in the global community can nominate others to be awarded in the Hall of Fame Ceremony. We will also take nominations by National Alumni Associations, encouraging them to host national Hall of Fame Ceremonies.
Please contact Martin Branchi for information or nominations: [email protected]