As we approach the next AIESEC Alumni International Congress in Porto, we’re asking that any members who would like to propose discussion items or motions during the legislative portion of our meeting (the Congress) please send their written proposals to [email protected] no later than February 28, 2015. Once AAI has reviewed this input, we will set the final agenda and send it to the members as part of the convocation, according to our statutes. As per our Standing Orders, no additional items will be added to the agenda at the Congress, so we encourage you to write to us this month, in order for your issue or motion to be considered.
As you know, AAI has focused on doing most of its business through presentation, discussion, collaboration and consensus building over the past several years, while limiting legislative issues only to those which are critical and required to be reflected in AAI’s statutes. This has greatly improved our ability to move forward as an organization under the AAI Transformation Project. Working groups at our meetings, task forces and consultations with RAA and NAA leadership have been critical to our success in formulating and executing strategy.
Outside of the formal Congress, at AAIC 2015 in Porto there will be ample opportunity for us to discuss, deliberate and build consensus on AA strategy, programs, AlumNet, etc. We have designed a number of workshops and interactive sessions for this purpose.
We’re hoping to see many of you in Porto, and looking forward to a wonderful global gathering. In case you have not yet done so, sign up here now!