Our warmest congratulations go out to AIESEC Alumni Mexico and AIESEC Alumni Russia for winning the ALUMnite Award for the months of September and October 2015, respectively.
After a month of well-deserved rest, it’s time for a fully charged, energized comeback. This time around, awards shall be given for 2 months in a row, which are September and October 2015. Both winners have organized and presented what AAI considers an outstanding ALUMnite event.
Mexico held a fantastic event called “La Noche Mexicana” which took place on September 11, 2015. Over 100 alumni, current members, trainees and partners were in attendance. The key driver behind “Noche La Mexicana” was the celebration of the 44th anniversary of AIESEC National Polytechnic Institute Local Committee. Their special guest was our beloved co-founder, Dr. Victor H. Loewenstein. For more information, photos and more, click here.
Russia, with well over 70 members present at their event, held its kickstart autumn meeting on October 16, 2015, in a beautiful rural site which is located 20 km from Moscow. This cozy gathering in the fall brought about two results: two new members have now joined the Board, and the appointment of April 22nd for Russia’s annual congress. For more information, click here.
Looking to join an AlumNite event but there’s none in your city? How about organizing one on your own? AAI is all about supporting those who love stepping up to challenges! We strongly encourage interested members to organize AlumNite events in your area, and we have recently released a Best Practices Manual to help you out. Contact me at [email protected] and I will be more than happy to send you a copy.
Please check our Facebook page, https:/www.facebook.com/groups/ALUMnitebyAAI for excellent examples of events around the world that can inspire you.