The Power of Storytelling

The sign explicitly said “no pictures” and I may or may not have still tried to snap one. I had noticed something very special about this painting. It wasn’t the painting itself, but rather, the little hand-written card behind it, that said: ‘Previous owner: Lombardini. Italian shoe-maker & artist. Believer in lust as much as …

Going Forward

It is my pleasure to present to you our March Newsletter. We have just returned from Venlo in The Netherlands, where most of AAI’s Executive Board, flew in from all corners of the globe. It was a highly engaging and productive planning session and we’ve prepared a special set of contents for you in this …

Hall of Fame

Year after year, both AIESEC International and AIESEC Alumni International recognize the work of alumni around the world in their efforts to contribute to a world of peace and realization of humankind’s potential. This distinction was formerly called International Senior Member and renamed Hall of Fame in the nineties, and it focuses on outstanding contributions …